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Heavenly Plum Sorbet July 20, 2008

Posted by live2cook in Desserts.

We don’t buy and store Ice cream buckets in our house. Though we love Ice creams, it is our policy to have ice creams as summer fun. We have a list of gourmet ice cream shops that we visit every summer. These shops sell unique flavors of ice creams that we can’t find under any popular Brands in grocery stores.

These shops were quite a drive from our earlier home. So the frequency of our visits was less. But now, they are much closer. Within couple of minutes drive, we can enter the heaven. This made us visit twice a week and we felt a slight increase in our waist line. 🙂

So, I decided to make some less fat frozen desserts at home to savor our sweet tooth. As a coincidence, I came across the Plum Sorbet recipe in Elise’s Website and screamed out of excitement. Apart from the least number of ingredients, I can put the over ripe plums that I had on hand as a result of our fridge replacement chaos.

Ingredients replaced by me:

1 Tbsp Arrow root powder (for Grand Marnier)

I don’t have an Ice cream maker. So I used my blender to make this sorbet.

Method followed by me :

1. Wash,pit and chop the plums.

2. Take the plums, sugar, salt, lemon juice and arrow root powder in a blender and grind into a smooth puree.

3. In a shallow and freezer friendly dish, pour the puree and freeze. It will take 2-3 hours approximately

4. Once frozen, break the frozen puree into pieces and add to the blender. Using the Ice crush option, crush the pieces. This process will smooth out any ice crystals formed in the frozen puree and make it fluffier by aerating it.

5. Put in an airtight container and freeze again for 1 more hour. Scoop and serve, once frozen.

Plum sorbet served

Plum sorbet served

It was a heavenly dessert that we didn’t miss our ice cream shop this week end. I am sending this for Coffee’s MBP event, hosted by Nupur with the theme “Less is more“. This is also my entry for sweet series event hosted by Mythreyee with the theme “Cool Desserts” and “What’s your Favorite” event hosted by EC.

I thank Elise for posting the recipe and Garrett McCord for coming up with this idea.


1. Indranee - July 21, 2008

This is something really heavenly:) I can forget about the weight factor and calories when I eat ice creams…thanks for this lovely recipe!

2. Nupur - July 21, 2008

What a wonderful treat! I don’t have an ice cream maker either so thank you for the hints on how to make do without one.
Thanks for participating in the event.

3. easycrafts - July 21, 2008

Divine…thanks for sending it to the event

4. Nithu - July 21, 2008

Lovely sorbet. I love to eat it along with ice cream. Have to try this one.

5. Sunshinemom - August 6, 2008

Yummylicious! No other word:)

6. Tez - January 13, 2010

Sounds terrible, but I just found half a can of plums semi frozen in the bottom of the fridge…Sorry I had too , delicious refreshing , sweet ,tart, slightly bitter,yum yum yum,inspired me to look up plum sorbet, hope it matches up to the mouth,,,,,I’ve just hadyum

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